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New Van Buren B2B-Webshop

New Van Buren B2B-Webshop

Van Buren Bolsward launched a new B2B webshop.

As of today, we have a new webshop! With this webshop we hope to offer you an improved experience. The same familiar natural products, but in a new look. The new webshop is hosted on a more modern platform and is more user-friendly, better suited for mobile devices and it gives us possibilities for improved automated stock tracking. For us this means that we have fewer websites to keep track of the stock and therefore have a more accurate webshop. For you, it means that you can expect that the products listed online on our webshop are actually in stock. It is also our intention to put more frequently uniquely photographed products online. This way you can see exactly which skins and/or furs you are ordering and will be receiving.

However, a new webshop is often not without startup issues. We ask for your help to improve the website. Therefore, if you come across wrong information/too little information/spelling mistakes/etc., please let us know and send an e-mail to [email protected].